TAM System Explorer

TAM System Explorer is the central tool for commissioning, analysis and optimization of a TAM system. It provides convenient access to the registers of all devices in the TAM system. TAM System Explorer includes a fully featured scope that can record each register of various devices in the topology at up to 100kHz clock speed. The Explorer can be operated in Master and Observer mode. TAM System Explorer also includes a module for the operation of axes as well as a tool for measuring the frequency response of an axis and the controller design using Bode methods.
Functions of TAM System Explorer
/*=============================================================================================================== Kommentare zur Nutzung / Hinweise zu Anpassungen mit Datumsangabe =================================================================================================================== 2020-07-13: Einfügung Anfrage zur Anzeige Bildunterschrift in Fancybox 2020-02-09: Änderung Platzierung der Bildunterschrift, Entfernung Link-Titel, Einfügung span in figcaption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image Circle Hover Color für Bildelemente - Siehe Datei: "animations_and_effects.scss" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
- Commissioning and configuration of devices
- Topology in the graphical register tree
- All register values in physical SI units
- Plugin mechanism for own modules
- Download of Tama programs
- Download of firmware, also in batch mode
- Master or Observer mode
- Can be integrated into user application
Software Oscilloscope
- Real-time display, minimum delay
- Drag'n'drop from any register
- Signals up to 100kHz clock rate
- Position markers, triggers
- Templates for various measurement tasks
- Interactive adjustment of the display
- Print as well as image and data export of the scope signals
- Optimized for color blindness
Bode Tool
- Measurement of the frequency response of an axis
- Analyzing the dynamic behavior of an axis
- Position and current controller
- Interactive design of the controllers
- Design of filters
- View with Bode or Nyquist diagram
Kommentare zur Nutzung / Hinweise zu Anpassungen mit Datumsangabe
2020-07-13: Einfügung Anfrage zur Anzeige Bildunterschrift in Fancybox
2020-02-09: Änderung Platzierung der Bildunterschrift, Entfernung Link-Titel, Einfügung span in figcaption
Image Circle Hover Color für Bildelemente - Siehe Datei: "animations_and_effects.scss"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
Kommentare zur Nutzung / Hinweise zu Anpassungen mit Datumsangabe
2020-07-13: Einfügung Anfrage zur Anzeige Bildunterschrift in Fancybox
2020-02-09: Änderung Platzierung der Bildunterschrift, Entfernung Link-Titel, Einfügung span in figcaption
Image Circle Hover Color für Bildelemente - Siehe Datei: "animations_and_effects.scss"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
Download and try TAM System Explorer now!
1. Install TAM Software on your PC. 2. Start TAM System Explorer. 3. Open a sample configuration offline.
Detailed information on how to use TAM System Explorer is included in the Servo Drive Setup Guide.