Tria-Link 10kHz Real-time Bus

- 10kHz real-time fieldbus
- Non-invasive inspection with a second PC
The data transmission of up to 32 participants in a 10 kHz cycle enables the transmission of motion data of coupled axes with the full quality of path planning. In addition, the Tria-Link synchronizes the clocks of the participants extremely precisely (<<100 ns), thus minimizing jitter.
All participant data can be queried in real time and at 100kHz clock rate via the Tria-Link and stored, processed or displayed on a host.
The Tria-Link is designed as a counter-rotating double ring, similar to the token ring. This enables it to achieve a transfer rate of 200Mbps, twice that of 100Mbps Ethernet. All bus participants can exchange data directly with each other - there is no actual bus master. The PCI adapter cards merely take on the additional task of starting up and cleaning up the ring, i.e. removing lost data packets.
Tria-Link vs. EtherCAT
Tria-Link | EtherCAT | |
Topology |
All nodes can directly talk to each other. |
Master-Slave |
Jitter | Precisely synced communication of up to 32 drives with 10 kHz in-sync commands, ± 25 ns accuracy, using a tunable oscillator without leap cycles. |
"significantly less than 1 μs, usually in the double-digit nanosecond range" |
Data Rate | 200Mbps | 180Mbps |
Cyclic Data Traffic | Can be changed anytime | Must be set before ring boot. |
TwinCAT Integration | Using the Triamec Library | Standard CoE client. |
Subject to technical changes.
Observer - Non-invasive Inspection
/*=============================================================================================================== Kommentare zur Nutzung / Hinweise zu Anpassungen mit Datumsangabe =================================================================================================================== 2020-07-13: Einfügung Anfrage zur Anzeige Bildunterschrift in Fancybox 2020-02-09: Änderung Platzierung der Bildunterschrift, Entfernung Link-Titel, Einfügung span in figcaption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image Circle Hover Color für Bildelemente - Siehe Datei: "animations_and_effects.scss" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
The Observer functionality allows non-invasive intervention in a running system. All system states can be observed in real time with up to 100kHz and recorded with the TAM System Explorer. Of course, parameters, e.g. control values, can also be changed during operation.
Typical applications are systems where real-time environments such as Beckhoff TwinCAT are used. In principle, these systems also allow data logging, but not with the convenience and sampling rate of the TAM System Explorer.
Another example is the integration of complex online measuring systems that run on their own PCs but must be supplied with real-time measurement data synchronously.
Tria-Link Master Mode
/*=============================================================================================================== Kommentare zur Nutzung / Hinweise zu Anpassungen mit Datumsangabe =================================================================================================================== 2020-07-13: Einfügung Anfrage zur Anzeige Bildunterschrift in Fancybox 2020-02-09: Änderung Platzierung der Bildunterschrift, Entfernung Link-Titel, Einfügung span in figcaption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image Circle Hover Color für Bildelemente - Siehe Datei: "animations_and_effects.scss" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
Alternatively to using a TL PCIe adapter a servo drive in Tria-Link Master Mode can be used to connect multiple drives to each other and to upper level control. The master servo drive then connects via Ethernet to an industrial PC.
In combination with TAM API this offers a flexible and cost-effective solution for machines that do not require TwinCAT or Direct Feed, e.g. most wafer stages.